Monday, October 22, 2012

OMG 2 years gone

I can't believe I haven't written on this blog in 2 years. But I haven't been completely asleep at the wheel. I have another blog that you might want to read called Maui Handmade. But this blog was aways meant to share family stuff so here's the latest.

On Sunday we visited the Kula Farms Pumpkin patch. It was packed with people all wanted some of that fall feeling.

Also, a Halloween Preview.

Seany don't play that.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Long time no blog

Wow, it's been a long time since blogging. I guess I'm just not in the habit yet. I'd rather read other's blogs. So, I'll try to share recent events.

Mostly I am busy being mom, wife, and teacher. It leaves little time to be a fiber artist. I pass by my studio and sigh. I know it has to be scheduled in to be a priority. So that will be my goal for the New Year.

Pete and I did get the great opportunity to go on an adults only vacation to Panama over the Thanksgiving week. We are celebrating 5 years of remission from cancer for Pete!

We went with Sherry and Scott Fisher and all the kids were cared for by their respective grandparents. Panama was beautiful and the people very nice. We did run into some interesting critters including two venomous snakes, poison dart frogs, and a sleepy sloth.

Panama is a burgeoning democracy with a lot of growth and development but you can't help but feeling that the jungle is on the verge of taking everything back. Very beautiful and very wild.

We just had our biggest event, the Holiday Faire , at our school. It was a terrific success. Niko and Sean both performed with their classes. It was a magical day!



Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Money Pit

So we have been remodeling our house since August. In December we had to move into the cottage. It's April and we are still in the cottage. I want to say that we are almost done but I thought that in March as well. Here are photos of this work in progress.

A walk in the park

Went for a walk in Kula Park this am. It is another gorgeous Spring Day. I want to lose some of this middle age weight gain so I gotta get moving. There's nothing like a wonderful vista to get you motivated.

Monday, April 26, 2010

And the Oscar goes to...

So, yesterday morning Niko informs me that he has a book report project due on Monday. On the list of options was "make a movie". Well the boys received a Flip video camera from Grandma Alberta for Christmas and so I thought we could try our hand at movie making. Uncle Chris need not fear us as potential film-making competition, but it was fun and came out pretty OK. Just in case you haven't read the book the film shows a very exciting, edge of your seat part at the end of The Last of the Mohicans.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Oh sweet Spring!

I can't believe it has been 9 months since I last posted! Can that be true? Not that I have any followers but still Vic, get with the program. I can say that I am just so busy, and i am, but I know I can make the time to write at least once a week. So today I want to just wax poetic about Springtime. OK so maybe not too poetic but dang it was a beautiful day today.
The little boys (Niko and Sean) and I went to our favorite breakfast place, Grandmas in Keokea. The big boy stayed home to do some painting on the deck being added to our bedroom (the house remodel update will come later). As usual the food was divine! I had their speciality, eggs benedict which was so yummy and so filling I wasn't hungry again until dinnertime.
After we walked off our food on Thompson Road, one of the most beautiful places on Maui (dare I say the planet?). The weather was perfect, the baby cows and horses were all over the hillsides, the trees were in bloom, and the view was as spectacular as ever.
People also seem to always be in a good mood on Thompson road, where everyone has a "good morning" for you and a smile.
Sean rode his skateboard and Niko walked the dog. We stopped to feed the horses some grass and laughed at how serious some of the cows looked. No wonder a certain celebrity whose name starts with O and ends with H chose this road to buy one of her many homes.
Pete asked me recently where I would want to live on Maui when we retire and downsize. I told him today it would be Thompson Road. I can picture Pete and I walking down to Grandma's for coffee and riding our bikes to Ching's Store. The Kula Hospital is just up the road so if we get sick, help is close by. The rest of the time we would make drift wood furniture and art in between napping on our lanai overlooking the ocean view. We could tend our small garden and look after a small collection of critters (I do like my critters). All we would need is a sweet little cottage with a bit of land. I can dream can't I?

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Some great books

I am not one of those people who can't pass up a great shoe buy and I could care less about designer clothes (Hello! I live on Maui) but I do have a slight book "problem". Yes I love books. I check out tons from the library and I think I must be a highly regarding customer at Amazon.

So here are some of my recent favorites:

1. After a long wait I just got Felting Fashion in the mail. Lizzie Houghton is a fabulous felt artist and I can't wait to try creating some felted apparel.

2.Silk Unraveled had mixed reviews on Amazon but I took a chance on it and I am so glad I did. The projects are really beautiful and fairly easy to do. I am taking on a duvet for my bed from ideas in this book.

3.In an effort to be a more hands-on mom, I am trying to make my own bread. However, the thought of hours of kneading, rising,etc did not appeal to me. This book is awesome. With their basic recipe you can have your batch of dough available anytime to make a delicious loaf.

My family gives the bread and pizza dough I made 6 thumbs up.

4. So onward with the homemade theme I have just begun reading Made From Scratch which is a great account of how the author, Jenna Woglarich, went from cubicle-working, convenience food eating American to a small time farmer on her rented property, raising chickens, honey bees, and veggies while still keeping a full-time job. Very interesting so far.